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Housing Services

Information & Services Available:

  • Affordable Places to Live

  • Eviction and/or Foreclosure Assistance

  • Homelessness Assistance

  • Section 8 (HCV & PBV)

  • Home Repair Assistance

  • Home Buyer Workshop

  • Weatherization Program

Our housing services are available to residents of Allegany County, NY only. 

Vacant Rental Program- Apply by March 4, 2025!

Provides funding to rehabilitate vacant rental units, ensuring safe, affordable housing for low- and moderate-income renters. Eligible landlords can receive up to $75,000 per unit for necessary repairs. 

  • Eligible Activities: Health & safety improvements, code violation corrections, accessibility modifications, environmental remediation, and other necessary repairs.

  • Eligible Properties: 1-5 unit residential properties, mixed-use buildings (up to 5 housing units), and buildings converted to residential use.

  • Ineligible Properties: Mobile/manufactured homes, properties in foreclosure, and detached accessory structures (unless previously legal housing).

  • Priority Given To: Allegany County landlords, those with 2+ years' experience, rental assistance program participants (1+ year in the last 3), landlords with fewer than 20 rental units, and completed applications with required documentation.

  • Compliance Requirements: 10-year Regulatory Period with rent limits & income restrictions. Owners must execute an agreement & rental covenant.

Genesee Valley Improvement Corporation (GVIC) Apartments

  • Safe and affordable apartments in Belfast, Belmont, Cuba, and Friendship (NY)

  • All apartments are pet and smoke free

  • Current openings

    • None at this time. Applicants are being added to our waitlist.

Eviction and Foreclosure Assistance

  • We may be able to help you stay in your home.

  • We assist in tenant/landlord mediation

  • Working with mortgage companies.

  • We can answer many questions you may have about landlord/tenant rights.

Homelessness Assistance

Rapid Re-Housing Program:

  • Available to individuals and families who are facing homelessness

  • Provide resources to find permanent housing

  • Security deposit and up to 6 months of rental assistance

  • Monthly case management

Kalthoff House:

  • Located in Almond, NY 

  • Transitional housing for families (two or more people) who are facing homelessness

  • Low income - rent is based on families income

  • Help with finding permanent housing 

  • Monthly case management

  • One current opening

  • ** If interested please use GVIC apartment application (located up top) and circle "Almond" for location **

Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program 

Our Section 8 program pays 60-70% of rent and utilities 

  • Must meet income requirements

  • Must find your own apartment or house

  • Apartment or house must pass an inspection

Project Based Voucher (PBV) Program 

  • Helps pays a portion of rent in privately owned rental housing, but only in that specific building 

  • 6 apartments located at Highland Pointe in Wellsville, NY

Home Repairs Program

  • We can help you finance your home repairs

  • You must own and live in your home

  • Your taxes and insurance must be current

  • Must be willing to sign a lien

Home Buyers Workshop

​Buying a home is a big deal, whether you're doing it for the first time or getting back into the ever-changing market. When you educate yourself for smart homeownership with Framework, you'll navigate every step of the process with confidence.


The Framework course is completed online and costs: $75.

Weatherization Assistance Program

Cattaraugus Community Action, Inc. administers the Weatherization Assistance Program for Allegany County residents.  For a list of weatherization services provided by county throughout New York Sate please click here:

Click Here 

for Weatherization

Assistance Program

Section 8 - Fraud

To report tenant or landlord fraud involving the Section 8 program. Please email: or click the link below.

For More Information:

Assistant Housing Director

585-268-7605, Ext. 1022

Division Director

585-268-7605 Ext. 1125

Moving House
  • Facebook

General Agency Hours:

Monday-Friday, 8 AM to 3:00 PM

*Other times by appointment.

*Changes in hours will be posted to our Facebook page.

ACCESS Center/Food Pantry Hours:

Monday to Friday 9 AM to 3 PM, closed daily from 12-12:30 PM

ACCORD Corporation

84 Schuyler Street

Belmont, NY 14813


This website is supported by Grant Number 02CH011624 from the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of ACCORD Corporation and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Head Start.

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